Here’s that quote I alluded to in the TTW Podcast: ?Learn all the time without even thinking about it. We are born to learn, but somewhere along the way many of us pick up the idea that we must be taught in order to learn. We think that if someone doesn’t stand up in front of us and talk to us with either a chalkboard or PowerPoint slides, we cannot learn. We must regain our sense of wonder and our desire to learn.? Thank you, Roy Tennant.
Contributors Michael Stephens
I pondered this for two weeks..and decided to give my technology here at the house a whirl to see if I could produce a podcast. My topics: Call for speakers for Internet Librarian 2005 A look at the tools/skills of the “Up to Date” librarian and a plea to “sieze the day” Please let me know what you think. I’m still deciding if I like the format and how it might work in the LISBlogosphere.. Greg and Karen really inspred me. And it was made entirely on a MAC!
Please visit to read about the SJCPL Lifeline in an interview with Joe Sipocz and myself.
Lisa Williams explains it all!
Please note I am still looking for proposals for the Public Libraries and Technology Track at IL 2005! Internet Librarian 2005: Shifting Worlds Monterey, CA October 24-6, 2005?? ***note the new dates! Call for Speakers It has been 10 years since the last major technological sea change when the Web rocked our world.? Not just the information world, but also those worlds at the very roots of our lives? the places and spaces where we work, learn and play.? All indications point to very dramatic and dynamic changes in the coming year.? Consider the recent announcements by Google that […]
Oh Librarian in Black! You said it! How?? Be involved on technology listservs.? Read the “tech” sections of library publications.? Read some good library technology weblogs or online publications.? That’s where the good ideas have been coming form as of late.? Administrators don’t have to know every little thing about technology, but at least (pleeeeeease) be familiar with it and discuss it with your staff.? If you don’t, you are turning a blind eye to a huge area of librarianship.? And your staff will know.? Believe me. Sarah also states that admin do not have to live and breathe tech […]
This weekend at Science Alive! we’ll be distributing a bookmark promoting out IM Reference service..and then the librarians will be visiting schools, etc to give them out. I am interested to see if the stats jump! Want to see the full bookmark – download it here (883k)
I am a tech trainer librarian at heart folks. Probably always will be. Those moments of turning people on to new ways to get information or do their jobs when the “AHA” sparks in their eyes. Yes indeed. Yesterday I did a 2 hour session for our branch librarians at the request of their supervisor — the Coordinator of Extension Sevices at SJCPL who consistently rocks my world with her forward thinking and insight. She IMs. She reads a whole bunch of LIS Blogs via RSS and comments on posts with me time to time. She has an iPod! She […]
Maire informs me that we have had 75 Instant Message reference transactions here at SJCPL fomr September 2004 to January 2005 — no too shabby considering we have not publicized the ASK SJCPL Service at all — no cards, no bookmarks, etc… just this page. For a detailed examination, click here:
Karen’s Podcast : I love this post! It includes a wonderful list of TTT’s that sound much like poetry…check it out! Greg’s 2nd Podcast: Well done… open source theme music, user audio comments and a look at what podcasting is! Greg says: “We are creating audio content..and syndicating it..” I totally get how syndicating audio content for a library could provide dynamic content… check it out and ponder!