Contributors Michael Stephens

3983 posts

ILI Sessions

Here’s a breakdown of sessions I’m involved in: Workshop 2: Successful Technology Training 10:00 ? 13:00 Michael Stephens, St. Joseph County Public Library (USA) This energetic, fast-paced workshop teaches how to plan and implement successful technology training that is centered on the user and defined by user needs. Delegates will learn three methods to analyse and define users? technology needs, a ?sure fire? test to ensure measurable outcomes and objectives, simplified task analysis for breaking learning down into steps, a toolbox of strategies to make technology learning fun and interesting, and two approaches to demonstrate and reinforce learning. With theory […]

“I read your blog” or GRE Horrors

Bumped into a new SJCPL librarian outside the building this afternoon. He’s starting the MLS program via IUPUI. We talked GRE, math horror stories and about the mysteries of UNIX. He started the conversation with “Did you just take the GRE?” Mind racing I thought he’d been at the testing center or had seen me racing away from it after commiting to my scores (don’t ask! — i almost laughed out loud at some of the math parts)…. “I read your blog” he said. Coolness. At least the GRE is over! Now I am working on a big paper — […]

Online Social Networks

Aaron and I will also be participating in the Online Social Networks Conference — discussing blogs in libraries. Note that Howard Rheingold will be there. I’ve been reading his book on virtual communities for my big UNT class this semester! From the site: SN2004 will be a summit meeting where you will have a chance to hear from and interact with many of the pioneers in the field of online social networks as well as some of the current trendsetters now exploring the latest technologies and applications. In 2001, the first Online Social Networks conference explored the emerging field of […]

Writing with Aaron / Dinner

Yesterday, Aaron of walkingpaper fame and his wife Kate drove over from Illinois. During the day, we worked on our blog article. We write well together and I’m pleased with our results. We had dinner as well last night: Aaron, Kate, Steve, and I …outside, with my two dogs and their sweet little Pug Mao cavorting about the yard. Nice.

Planning for a New Tech-based Service — Try these

Library consultant Richard Dougherty detailed the five requirements of offering digital reference in the May 2002 issue of American Libraries. They include: ? Creating policy ? Acquiring the Technology ? Staffing ? Training staff ? Promotion These five gems could be used as a guide for any technology planning in a library setting. You can’t do one part and not do the other or you are setting up your new initiative or service to fail. No policies for that new service? An untrained, unfamiliar staff? No promotion? Forget about it! (I know I posted before but it needs to be […]