
4301 posts

Feel Good Librarian on the Future (and our Library Present)

I heart this: We think of ourselves differently, too, I am finding. We are a scared bunch these days, frightened that we won’t find jobs, now or ever. We’re scared that libraries won’t keep their place in society. Or that they will, and we won’t like it. We’re scared that the generations who are clashing on our staffs won’t ever get along. That the techno-terrified will hold all the rest of us up, or the techies will drag us all kicking and screaming into a future where we will be replaced by machines. And, like many of the librarians I […]

Hidden Peanuts Makes My Day I need to add a number eleven to my list of ten things I learned at ALA: I am truly excited about being a librarian. I can say without hyperbole that going into this field is the best decision I?ve ever made. I won?t make as much money as I would in the IT sector, but I get to actually meet and help real human beings – on a minute to minute basis. I get to make their lives just a little bit easier. And I get to love what I?ll do! I haven?t always been quite so excited. […]

Pictures worth 1000 Words

Here are some flickr sets of the incredible experiences I had at ALA. I am now at the lake, PLUGGED in via a new internet service and setting to work on summer courses. I have a few posts about ALA, etc that will be forthcoming. For now, let’s have these images tell their own stories… LIS Blogger’s Roundtable for Library Journal OCLC LIS Blogger’s Salon TTW @ ALA

Millennial Librarians Training the Boomer Librarians

Skagirlie ponders: And I wonder, as she does, if this is a global thing. We had a wave a few years ago of embracing the Web as a one way information tool (for the most part) and now social software, such as blogs, IM, flickr, etc, (as well as Gaming which can really heat things up) has created a whole new divide between the Millennial librarians who ache to implement and use these hot tools and the Boomer Libs who proceed with caution and possibly trepidation. Thoughts?