
4301 posts

Lost Faith: College Students’ Photoshopification and Information Literacy

When I finished library school around the year 2000, the shift from print to online was well underway. OPACs were common place, CD towers had already migrated to online databases, and teaching search strategies to students was seen (by librarians and faculty member alike) as an essential piece to teaching the research paper. Yet, even as the changes were happening around us, the mental models used by our students were not moving as quickly. The essential information literacy problem we faced was that students tended to believe almost anything they found on the web, especially if a website had a […]

Thanks Gates Foundation Global Libraries Technology Work Group!

While in California for California Library Association and our SJSU SLIS faculty retreat, I was invited to present via teleconference for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Libraries Technology Work Group. The meeting was in Seattle and try as we might, zipping up and back from San Jose wan’t in the travel cards. Via teleconference, however, I was able to present “Tomorrow’s Libraries: Technologies & trends shaping libraries” for the group. The slides are here: For slides please Contact Michael Special thanks to Darrin Hoerner and Chris Jowaisas at gates and the good folks on the SJSU campus for making […]

Thanks Internet Librarian International!

I am behind in a few posts, but I wanted to make sure I gave a big shout out to the delegates, organizers and advisory board of this year’s Internet Librarian International conference. I was honored to be a conference co-chair this year. It was a wonderful two days in London, filled with intriguing discussions and ideas from around the globe. This conference always energizes me because of the perspectives our delegates bring. I especially enjoyed participating in the closing plenary with conference co-chair Donna Saxby. Check out the roster of presentations here:

Office Hours: The Evolving LIS Core

My new column is up at LJ: User studies—research concerning patterns of information use in our everyday lives, in times of crisis, and as members of certain populations (students, the aging, etc.)—define the first part of this core. Appreciating the diversity of cultures in relation to library service should come early, as our grads will be citizens of the world. Second, the core would include an emphasis on the ever-changing technological landscape. This might include coding, hardware, and all those things once deemed the realm of the IT department but would also include understanding the architecture of participation and […]

Thanks to All in Germany – “Learning Everywhere” Visit 2012 (Updated)

Video: Hamburg, TUHH. Courtesy of the Zukunftwerkstatt Christoph Deeg was my gracious traveling companion for much of the week. (Photo by Martin Kramer) I want to extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended my talks in Germany and the good folks who worked so tirelessly to bring me over for a four stop tour with “Learning Everywhere.” Special thanks to Christoph Deeg and Julia Bergmann of the Zukunftwerkstatt for planning the tour and making everything so smooth. Also to Prof Hans Christoph Hobohm for facilitating in Berlin and everyone else who welcomed us at each stop! The dinners, discussions, […]

Survey: American libraries using Social Media tools for PR/Marketing

Curtis R. Rogers, Ed.D., Communications Director at the South Carolina State Library, has posted the annual survey on American libraries using Social Media tools for PR/Marketing. Please consider participation and share the link: The survey will close on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 5:00pm EST. Please forward this survey to library colleagues, state library association listservs, Facebook pages, or others who may be interested. If you have any questions, please contact me at Curtis R. Rogers, Ed.D. Communications Director, SC State Library

Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults 2012 (by TTW contributor Justin Hoenke)

I’m very honored to be part of this years President’s Program Planning Task Force for YALSA.  As part of this program, we’re announcing this years Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults program which you can find out about below.  If you’re a teen program who’s doing awesome things, I highly suggest you think about being part of this program.  There’s a lot of great teen programs out there right now being put on by hard working librarians and this is your chance to share them with everyone! From YALSA will select up to twenty-five innovative teen programs from all types of libraries […]