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Posts about blogging

The Library Blogger’s Personal Protocols

Steven posted about Blogging policies and mentioned he didn’t have any policies for blogging. Over drinks at the Portobello Bar, I told him I thought we all have some inherent blogging protocols that drive many of the blogs I read and link to as well as my own. So this morning, I pondered these, which line up so closely with the ones Steven pointed to: The Library Blogger’s Personal Protocols Respect your organization. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. If you don’t agree with a policy at your library, don’t badmouth the folks there. Research other views/approaches and post […]

Getting Started with Blogs

Mary Jo, one of the members of our PhD cohort, asked me for some LIS news sites and blogs that she might look at to get started as an offshoot of my presentation in class this weekend. What I thought I would do is post it here…because it might be helpful to other folks as well. First up: don’t miss LISNews as the perfect starter news clearinghouse. Then, take a look at: (This one is rocking my world right now…) There’s an LIS blog for every interest! These, from my link list, are faves: Library BlogsKaren Schneider’s […]

Ten Guidelines for Developing Your Internal Blog

Steven posts about internal blogs and I totally am in on this one. We have been using a blog like structure internally at SJCPL for a while now. It includes nine major categories programmed by the NRDT Web Developer and Computer Specialist based on the Lasso program from Blue World software ( All entries for those categories ? Admin News, Personnel News, Staff news, etc ? build on each other, posting in reverse chronological order just as most blogs do. Each category is assigned to certain staff via IP addresses recognized by the database system. Secondary ?blogs? are in place […]

An Open Letter to ALA

Dear ALA: The time has come. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of complaining to the dear PLA employee on the trolley on I-Drive in Orlando. (while sweating profusely from the heat) This was my tipping point: My friend CJ over at technobiblio just wrote this in his blog about not finding the PLA Program submission info very easily: “This is a perfect example of why PLA (and all other ALA’s divisions – doesn’t anyone want to be first?) need a blog…” We’re talking communication..spreading the word. Please take a look at how blog software can disseminate information quickly and […]

Front Line Baby!

(That’s a line from an obscure Fleetwood Mac song from 1987) Are you a blogger working in a library? Do write about the comings and goings of library users? Do you blog your interactions with other staff? If so, please take a minute or two and answer some questions for Aaron and I. We’ll thank you for it! Click Here!

Steven points to “Plogs” Steven points to an article called “The Virtues of Chitchat”, by Michael Schrage, which, Steven writes, “discusses the use of blogs within corporate IT departments, most notably with keeping everyone informed with ongoing projects. Schrage calls them project logs, or “plogs”.” Lovin’ it!