Categories Blogging

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Posts about blogging

Article: Sink or Swim: Managing RSS Feeds with Better Groups

Great post at one of my favorite productivity blogs, 43 Folders: So it dawned on me to group my feeds by the way in which I want to read them, not by topic. If there were some feeds that I didn’t mind missing, and some of which I wanted to read every single word, I should organize them that way, not by their putative subject areas. Here’s what I came up with: News – Self-explanatory, but specifically feeds from traditional news outlets like the New York Times, BBC, et al that pump out so much stuff I can’t possibly […]

TTW Mailbox: Save Our Small Libraries – A Blog from Indiana Dear Michael: I want to tell you about my new blog. Aside from the standard issues that Librarians face here in Indiana we have a new one that has the potential for disastrous consequences for small public libraries here in Indiana. A large issue, which I feel is being played down by some, is the consolidation of all public libraries in the state. Few Librarians and taxpayers alike feel that this is going to be a beneficial change. Currently there are 238 libraries. The consolidation of public libraries would mean that there are 92. Somehow I got the bright […]

Reducing the Noise

I really enjoy student blogging – especially LIS students. From a blog by a Knowledge Management grad student comes this: I find it interesting that after I write this post, I’m going to tag it the wordpress way, so hopefully someone else can pull my thoughts out of cyberspace. Again, Cory Doctorow, co-author of the Boing Boing blog, postulates that collectively we can achieve our goal: the “communication of information,” as I like to call it. In its simplest form, isn’t commuication all about getting information from the sender to the receiver without a bunch of noise? (Thank you […]

Dealing with Information Overload

Allow me to direct you to: Elyssa Kroski presents a clearinghouse of organizational tools. This post would make a perfect basis for a staff meeting discussion on dealing with too much information.

Student Blogging

I’m catching up on grading today and I just have to share how pleased I am with my weekend Internet Fundamentals class. Their blogging is great! We meet this weekend to continue our work. If you want to check out some of the student blogs, including a review the Dominican Library Web Page assignment and Web 2.0 Review, visit:

Some Quick & Dirty Tips for Bibliobloggers

I was just IMing with a trusted colleague and we hit on the influx of librarian and library blogs of late. I was reminded of some notes I made before a talk about blogging last spring. If you are just starting out, here are some things you might want to ponder: A personal blogging mission statement: what are your goals? Your focus? It doesn’t have to be huge but it’s a good step to take. Your blogging voice will develop over time – but be true to yourself and it will come faster. Some folks don’t take to blogging after […]

Are You Opaque?

Nowadays, an unhappy public can be more vocal than ever before, thanks to the Internet. When Apple dropped the price of the iPhone by $200 just weeks after the device went on sale, various Apple discussion forums caught fire with angry posts, and savvy geeks launched web sites to protest. How might a library director respond to the launch of a critical blog posted by community members or even anonymous staffers? (Check for a perfect example of the latter in action.) Imagine if a site just like that debuted for your library. One of the toughest—and most crucial—things a […]

Great Example of Conference Blogging!

Clare Leibfarth, Medical Librarian at the Affinity Medical Center Doctors Campus in Massillon, Ohio writes: Would the readers of the Tame the Web be interested in learning about the conference blog for the Joint Chapter MLA Meeting in Omaha? This morning I posted an “interview” with MLA President Mark Funk. Previous posts (there are 33) include everything from conference program notes to travel tips to foodie updates. I’ll be taking my laptop and camera with me to Omaha and will be posting “live” from the conference. We will also have a number of conference blog correspondents who will be […]

4 C’s of Blogging at Logic+Emotion

Run don’t walk to this excellent post about “what it takes to create a great blog experience:” The description of the C’s and the corresponding insights for each are image grabs from a presentation, so please click through and have a look. This could be a great planning document for the library blog.

LibraryStream – A New Biblioblog!

Please welcome to the biblioblogosphere from Steve Campion out in the Great Northwest! My plan is to use this blog to follow the course of social software in general and its value to libraries specifically. I’m the system trainer at a large public library system in the Pacific Northwest, a social web participant, and an avid reader. I hope I can marshall all those hats into an interesting blog. The two postings just below this one link to recent articles I’ve written elsewhere. Why call it “Library Stream”? It has to do with the flow of ideas. I suppose […]