Categories Emerging Technology

353 posts

Posts about recently introduced technology and the future of technology

Jybe 2.0 is Here (RIP VR)

I’ve had an ongoing dialog with Brian at Jybe and today (Sunday) he asked me to take a look at Jybe 2.0 with him. Amidst my parsing of XML and pondering a paper on iPodder, Brian and I spent about 30 minutes looking at the new plug in and discussing how librarians might use Jybe to co-browse with users or each other (I see a big future for training and staff development this way- I could conduct a brief tutorial on a databse from my desk with a librarian at a branch! Our most cool staff dev librarian at SJCPL […]

More on “Meet the Gamers”

I just did a second read through and this article may turn out to be a touchstone for futurists and library planners as well as signifying service directions a public library needs to look at very seriously to remain viable with a goodly part of the population. Consider this: “It is impossible to resist imagining a library built on gamer principles, where patrons decide which materials and services are offered and which are not. All discussions of the library’s future direction would be open, with full transcripts digitized, searchable, and part of the permanent record. Mechanisms would be put in […]

The iPod Experiments

The new issue of LJ Net Connect is out! What started as a blog post here on Tame the Web as Libraries Doing Cool Things with iPods is now “The iPod Experiments.” This says a lot to me about the crossover between LIS blogging and reporting here in library land. In fact, the genesis was the original post at engadget about South Huntington’s iPod Shuffles! Thanks to Joe and Ken at South Huntington PL for talking to me about their ground-breaking sevice! Thanks to Brian Kenney at LJ for being so cool about my fascination with iPods in Libraries. Keep […]

WOW: iPod Stats & Article! Via Chris (Updated)

An e-mail this am from Chris Kupec: “I’m going to an OverDrive demo today. I’ll ask the rep what she thinks of this: iPodlounge: Apple takes lead in flash market, continues domination During its second quarter conference call with press and analysts, Apple revealed that the iPod shuffle was the No. 1 selling flash-based MP3 player worldwide in February with 43 percent market share. The iPod shuffle is expected to be the top-selling flash player in the coming months, but NPD Techworld (which calculates the sales numbers) has not yet released reports for March. Apple?s iTunes Music Store remains the […]

Chris Kupec Writes to Audible: We want to support iPods at our PL Chris is doing some cool stuff with iTunes at his library. This post includes a letter to Audible. His points: The details need to be addressed carefully, but it boils down to this: 1. We want to offer digital audiobooks to our patrons. 2. We do not want to circulate any devices. The patrons must provide their own. 3. We want the patrons to come into the library, and have the staff load patron devices. 4. We want the library to own the files locally, on a local storage device, e.g., when our Internet service is slow, we do […]

MP3 Player Report U.S. shipments of MP3 players will grow 35% to 18.2 million in 2005 and maintain a compound annual growth rate of over 10% through 2010, reaching an installed base of 56.1 million by then, up from 16.2 million in 2004. MP3 players will reach critical mass this year, fueling demand for digital music services and stores. And fueling demand by library users for digital content for their players! The MacMerc tidbit concludes with this: Mostly due to the iPod’s success, JupiterResearch has raised its near-term forecast, but projects that flash-based player shipments will surpass those of hard-drive models in […]

TFML Offers Audio Content! Aaron offers Teen Audio Reviews. Well done! I’ve written about what David Free is doing and what Chris is planning, but here’s a great example of not only audio content syndicated BUT a public Library involving users in the development of the Web presence.