PLA 2010-DM2 068, originally uploaded by Library Journal.
Categories News & Life Updates
This Week in Libraries #2: Aat Vos (architect) from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo. Check out this new venture from our friends in Holland.
Guten Abend nach Berlin! The talk at the US Embassy went well – what a great group. Tomorrow: StammTisch. See you there.
Note from Michael: I’m serving as a mentor for ALA Emerging Leaders Group J this year. One of the members of this outstanding group is Justin Hoenke, who’s joining the TTW family as a contributor. This is his first post. What does it mean to be an ALA Emerging Leader? I’ve heard a lot of things come out of peoples’ mouths. Some have told me that it’s just something fancy to put on my resume, others that it’s just a lot of work that will remind you of a library school project. I’m not big on negativity, so I’ve […]
The Librarian in Black writes: I’m pleased to announce that my first book, Technology Training in Libraries, is set to be released in March of this year! This book has been a labor of love for the last year. In it, I walk you through setting up a technology training program in your library, including basic technology training (both online and face-to-face) and general tech training principles and tips. I also address creating and training to a set of “technology skills” expectations for staff members. The bulk of the book walks you through the steps for setting up specific types […]
This year has been most magical. I traveled a bit, had some wonderful students in my classes, and learned so much from everyone I encountered. I also spent much of the summer with our new dog Cooper in Traverse City hiking and sitting by the fire. One of the most magical and life changing events, however, was spending five weeks in Australia as the 2009 CAVAL Visiting Scholar, researching and speaking in the great land Down Under. Reflecting, as I do in the final days of each year, I can’t begin to describe how the time spent on the other […]
Best Wishes 2010, originally uploaded by Rob Coers. From Rob Coers comes this wonderful greeting detailing his wishes for the New Year. Well done Rob!
We’ll see you in the new year!
Darien Library Spaces, originally uploaded by mstephens7. On the 20th of November I got to spend the day with the good folks at Darien Library in Darien, CT. I spent time with Louise Berry, Allan Gray and John Blyberg touring the incredible new building, meeting with staff over lunch and afternoon tea, and taking in all the wonderful things they’ve done with their service model. I just wanted to give a public shout out to everyone at Darien who welcomed me and shared their experiences. I can’t wait to visit again! My flickr set is here:
, originally uploaded by Rob Coers. Check out 23 Dingen dynamo Rob Coers’ post here.