OCLC Newsletter Originally uploaded by mstephens7. http://www.oclc.org/nextspace/002/1.htm I was really happy to be asked to contribute to the new OCLC NextSpace on Web 2.0. Take a look. The folks who contributed blow me away with their ideas and insights. Don’t miss Dr. Wendy Schultz’s take on Library 4.0: But Library 4.0 will add a new mode, knowledge spa: meditation, relaxation, immersion in a luxury of ideas and thought. In companies, this may take the form of retreat space for thought leaders, considered an investment in innovation; in public libraries, the luxurious details will require private partners as sponsors providing the […]
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
The Full Set of Our Librarian Trading Cards Originally uploaded by Pegasus Librarian. Jenny & Steven have already mentioned this but I just have to chime in and comment on how wonderful it is to take this online thing and make it a physical extension as well: putting a face on the library. Folks, any library can do this! Think of the possibilities for outreach to your community of users! Collect them all! Rock On Gould Library! UPDATE from Iris: Thanks Michael. 🙂 One note of clarification: these cards have been around since before the “online thing.” Every year since […]
Michael Stephens’ OPAL presentation, SL cam Originally uploaded by informationgoddess29. A few folks listened to the talks in Second Life! These are the added links from discussion that came up during the four presentations I gave on Thursday and Friday for OPAL. We had great groups both days. I really appreciate the folks at OPAL setting it up! It was also available in Second Life! Here are the presentations: http://www.opal-online.org/Stephens200606blogs.htm http://www.opal-online.org/Stephens200606IM.htm http://www.opal-online.org/Stephens200606socialsoft.htm http://www.opal-online.org/Stephens200606buyin.htm Here are the extra links from discussion: Weblogs: http://www.opal-online.org/Stephens200606photo2.jpg Amanda Etches Johnson’s Wiki of Library Weblogs: http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/links Great resource and clearinghouse of all types of Biblioblogs! Jenkins […]
I’ve been telling the librarians I’ve been speaking with to read the Cluetrain Manifesto and apply it to library services. Networked conversations are changing business, and I honestly believe, changing libraries. Look at the incredible discussion, conversation and kerfuffle around the ALA L2 course! Into my aggregator comes Casey Bisson’s post about Nicole’s post entitled “Touched a Nerve.” Seems a staffer from iii was displeased with her blog post about the ILS… Here’s what I might say, quoting the Cluetrain: Markets are conversations! Here’s what your some of your market is saying: In the meantime, I tell people not to […]
Academic library 2.0 concept model Originally uploaded by habibmi. Fascinating diagram and link to a blog post. Take a look. I like the blend of technology, space and people!
http://www.squidoo.com/library20/ The Library 2.0 reading list for the ALA course has been popular! In fact, Jenny and I just received a note about it and what the monies generated from the lens have been used for! Hi Jenny Levine & Michael Stephens: This is John Wood, founder of Room to Read. Seth and Megan at Squidoo said I could introduce your monthly payment report with a bit of great news. Thanks to contributed royalties from thousands of lensmasters, Room to Read has built a library for children in Cambodia. We hope to help these kids break the cycle of poverty […]
Check out Steve Lawson’s “A biblioblogger visits the local branch library” http://library.coloradocollege.edu/steve/archives/2006/06/a_biblioblogger.html My favorite bit? BRANCH LIBRARIAN: We do have some online innovations here. We allow patrons to pay fines online via PayPal. BIBLIOBLOGGER: You still have fines? I’m sorry, my friend, but the Cluetrain is about to pull into the station, and you are looking like Anna Karenina, if you get my drift. BRANCH LIBRARIAN: Ah! A literary allusion! Yes, I understand perfectly, though I’m not flattered. BIBLIOBLOGGER: Hey, don’t take offense. Tell you what, I’m doing a thing in Second Life tomorrow called Exhuming the Paleolibrary that is […]
Louise Gruenberg posts a thoughtful look at instructional design in a 2.0 climate: http://louisegruenberg.alablog.org/blog/_archives/2006/6/3/2004307.html Let’s call it Archimedes’ (educational) law: Whether immersion in learning is in-person synchronous or online asynchronous, interaction supports engagement, and engagement eventually leads to learning. Eureka! And now for Gruenberg’s corollary: Instructors who do not engage learners interactively in person will not be able to do any better with advanced technology.
Via Brian Gray at ALA L2: http://briangray.alablog.org/blog/_archives/2006/6/4/2005520.html http://careers.epnet.com/info.php?id=513 The basic function of the Wiki Analyst is to monitor information creation on TWiki, EP’s web-based collaboration platform. The ideal candidate will be responsible for tracking wiki usage, guiding and shaping it’s organization, and helping EP to get the most out of this powerful tool. Develop best practices. Other responsiblities include training and educating users, monitoring projects and activity, and linking content for maximum usefulness.
Read. This. Now. http://freerangelibrarian.com/2006/06/the_user_is_not_broken_a_meme.php Wowza!