Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0

641 posts

Articles about Web 2.0 and/or Library 2.0 concepts

Lose the “No First” Attitude

Chris DeWeese reports on the Diversity Workshop he attended: Tracie also hit on some very, very library 2.0 topics. Topics that need to be discussed and topics I think that fit in with much of the library 2.0 talk that is not technology related. My favorite: Libraries need to get rid of the “no-first” attitude. Libraries need to stop saying no as their first answer! Want to test your library? Keep a log of how many times your staff tell a patron “no”. I would love to see data from libraries on how much they say no. How many of […]

Leslie Asks Some Questions and Recognizes Opportunity

Leslie Burger ponders the future of ALA to new librarians on her blog: How do we build on the concept of a social network, the speed and ease of communication and information sharing of the bloggers? How do we make ALA a more attractive outlet for people who want to make a difference, for those who need help and ideas to bring back to their libraries, and make it a more welcoming, social organization. And yesterday during our SisriDynix webinar on Library 2.0, Stephen Abram mentioned he was off to a conference on the concepts of Association 2.0. I think […]

The New Revolutionary Technology

Michael Casey’s latest thoughtful post resonates deeply with me: So when my group, the Emerging Technologies Team, sat down to examine the current and future technology landscape, we quickly came to the realization that while there are some wonderful new things that can be put into our plan, few of them are actually new technologies. Most are modifications or improvements on existing technology. All of this leads me to believe that technology, at least right now, is in an evolutionary phase, whereas only two or three years ago we were still in a revolutionary time period where new ideas […]

Spiffy New Charts of Librarian Blogger’s Survey: Web 2.0 Tools

God Bless Luke Rosenberger, who attended my SirsiDynix Webinar last week and sent a comment about the charts. He has helped me manipulate some of the mountain iof data with Excel skills that blow me away. He wrote: If I remember the survey correctly, you allowed respondents to choose multiple answers for that question….I think you should keep your “n” constant — always comparing your data against the number of respondents. So perhaps for this question, a bar graph would be a more helpful mode of presentation.. Heck yeah! So here’s a link to some more data, presented in spiffy […]

Blyberg on the ILS

Check in at for a candid and most transparent reflection on the ILS and this paragraph, that hopefully will send a message to III and others: Librarians and coders are not just going to timidly wait for little features anymore. We want control of our systems. Maybe I’m feeling the fatigue that sets in after months of subverting the intended use of our system, but quite frankly, I hold little hope that our vendor will decide to pursue a strategy that champions community dev. In fact, during a recent visit to AADL, we were told by a top III […]

Battle of the Bands & Rock the Shelves

In class on Sunday, we were discussing what we liked about different library Web sites to pave the way for my students designing their own small library-related Web site. We happened upon Oak Park Public Library’s Teen Page, which featured “Battle of the Bands.” It was nice synchronicity because I had just shown them slides of “Rock the Shelves” at flickr. ( I love turning the students on to flickr and we’ll do more at our next weekend.) Oak Park shares photos on their own page while “Rock the Shelves” was thrown into the great pool. I think both are […]

Blogging & Wikis in Schools: A TTW Comment and Pointer

Into the TTW Comment hopper comes this: “I know that a lot of schools prohibit blogging. They even cancel student’s library admission cards if reveal that they use internet for that. What is the reason? Can’t we do what we want in our spare time?” And then I log into flickr, and see this: Hopefully, soon we’ll have more of the latter (detailed here) than the former. Just sayin ‘. Thanks Will!