Daily Archives: February 7, 2005

4 posts

Welcome to the TTW Test Podcast

I pondered this for two weeks..and decided to give my technology here at the house a whirl to see if I could produce a podcast. http://www.tametheweb.com/podcasts/TTWPodcastTest.mp3 My topics: Call for speakers for Internet Librarian 2005 A look at the tools/skills of the “Up to Date” librarian and a plea to “sieze the day” Please let me know what you think. I’m still deciding if I like the format and how it might work in the LISBlogosphere.. Greg and Karen really inspred me. And it was made entirely on a MAC!

Shifting Worlds Call for Speakers

Please note I am still looking for proposals for the Public Libraries and Technology Track at IL 2005! Internet Librarian 2005: Shifting Worlds Monterey, CA October 24-6, 2005?? ***note the new dates! www.infotoday.com/IL2005 Call for Speakers It has been 10 years since the last major technological sea change when the Web rocked our world.? Not just the information world, but also those worlds at the very roots of our lives? the places and spaces where we work, learn and play.? All indications point to very dramatic and dynamic changes in the coming year.? Consider the recent announcements by Google that […]