Daily Archives: March 23, 2005

5 posts

TTW Meets Michael Gorman

(Shaking hands) Me: Mr. Gorman, I’m Michael Stephens. I write the Tame the Web Blog for Libraries and technology. I wrote a response to your piece, I hope you got to read it or will. Gorman: Ahh, some of those people were so thin-skinned. I hope you’re not. Me: No, sir, I am not thin-skinned. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Take a look at my blog sometime. Marydee blogs Gorman’s talk here: http://www.onlineinsider.net/2005/03/gawking-at-gorman.html

Ann Arbor District Library Responds to Blogger

Via Jessamyn: http://vielmetti.typepad.com/vacuum/2005/03/rss_for_the_aad.html How geeked am I that this gets me going: Rest assured that useful, flexible, and broad RSS support is a major design goal of our new website, and we hope our feeds will find good homes in aggregators throughout the district… and beyond! Watch for the new aadl.org coming in early July [2005].