Monthly Archives: May 2005

44 posts

IM Survey Results Sherri reports on her survey. It’s fascinating! Excerpt: 3) Have you ever used the UNLV Libraries Chat Reference Service? And now for the interesting stuff . . . a mere 11.3% (c=21) of respondents reported that they have used the UNLV Libraries chat reference service in the past. That leaves a whopping 88.7% (c=165) of IMers who responded out in the (virtual) cold. Talk about ROI! That is not a very good one at all. Some folks, likje me, might even say “CUT THE CORD!” with such low numbers. Is it promotion? Bad software? General disinterest? Library administrators take […]

The Power of Flickr

I’m sitting here with tears welling folks…. This is such a powerful thing…. poor Mickey had aggression issues. My heart goes out to Cogdog. What a sweet dog my Jake is…he’s 11 now.