Daily Archives: October 17, 2005

9 posts

Video iPod & the Future

Please read jenny’s excellent post at ALA TechSource! Texting with Jenny from the UK, I said I just wanted to post a big “DITTO” next to this post. “All very interesting, but it worries me all the more when all of this is sold directly to the consumer and bypasses libraries. It’s times like this I re-light a candle that Audible will wake up from its coma and bridge the Digital Rights Management (DRM) gap between libraries and iPods. Right now, I believe OverDrive is the only company that lets libraries circulate copyright-protected videos, but of course Overdrive’s Windows-Media-encrypted files […]

Gartner Hype Cycle at Stephen’s Lighthouse Applied to LIS Weblogs

(Darlene Fichter and I are presenting a workshop on organizational weblogs next Saturday in Monterey…this is good food for thought!) http://stephenslighthouse.sirsi.com/archives/2005/08/the_gartner_hyp.html 1. Technology Trigger: A breakthrough, public demonstration, product launch or other event generates significant press and industry interest. Ponder any of the hot hot technologies we’re discussing. When did you first hear about RFID? Podcasts? IM in libraries? Was it at a conference or a big event or in an article… what about BLOGS? Let’s ponder blogs and podcasts for this example. March 2002: CIL…I first heard about blogging..and I discovered some classic bloggers… 2. Peak of Inflated Expectations: […]

Cluetrain & Public Service

From the Rambling Librarian: http://ramblinglibrarian.blogspot.com/2004/09/differentiating-public-service.html We should go out there and engage potential users in the forums, chatrooms etc. As I wrote in my other blog:”… the presence that librarians project can no longer be the “Thou knoweth more than you-eth” attitude. To connect with our average information-customer, we need to show them that we’re as human as they are; as fallible, and there’s nothing to be fear from us.” In providing our service, be it answering reference enquiries or Readers’ Advisory, or checking a reader’s loan record, PLS librarians can distinguish themselves by engaging in conversations with the reader. […]

Terrebonne Libraries & Katrina

I interviewed Wanda Bruchis for my technology planning article last year. I emailed shortly after Hurricane Katrina and was glad to hear she’s fine. She sent along a link to local coverage of the hurricane and her library. http://houmatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051006/NEWS/510060315/1026/ARCHIVES14