Monthly Archives: February 2006

65 posts

Authority in the Age of the Amateur A thoughtful piece at Infotangle discusses authority of Weblogs. Ellyssa Kroski ponders, for example, how we might judge the usefulness and authority of a Weblog: Identity of the Author – Seek out the identity and credentials of the author. Be wary of anonymous bloggers. Accuracy – Is the information presented accurate? Currency – Is the blog up-to-date or outdated? Endorsements – Use sites such as Technorati and Google Blog Search to see what people are saying about a particular blog or article. Technorati recently added an “authority” slider to their search feature which allows users to narrow their results […]

The Voice of Public Librarianship

Beyond all of our technobabble in the Biblioblogosphere, which dear friends you know I love, is a voice so pure that I’m more often than not moved by the words. I get chills. This voice shares exactly what it’s like in many public libraries today — working reference and interacting with people. There is absolutely nothing I could have said to her that would have made any difference at that point. Something personal would have been completely inappropriate and unprofessional, not to mention obviously unwanted. In Reference Interview seminars, we are taught to end with, “Does this answer your question? […]

Lose the “No First” Attitude

Chris DeWeese reports on the Diversity Workshop he attended: Tracie also hit on some very, very library 2.0 topics. Topics that need to be discussed and topics I think that fit in with much of the library 2.0 talk that is not technology related. My favorite: Libraries need to get rid of the “no-first” attitude. Libraries need to stop saying no as their first answer! Want to test your library? Keep a log of how many times your staff tell a patron “no”. I would love to see data from libraries on how much they say no. How many of […]

Leslie Asks Some Questions and Recognizes Opportunity

Leslie Burger ponders the future of ALA to new librarians on her blog: How do we build on the concept of a social network, the speed and ease of communication and information sharing of the bloggers? How do we make ALA a more attractive outlet for people who want to make a difference, for those who need help and ideas to bring back to their libraries, and make it a more welcoming, social organization. And yesterday during our SisriDynix webinar on Library 2.0, Stephen Abram mentioned he was off to a conference on the concepts of Association 2.0. I think […]

Writing Opportunity for Librarians

Via my UNT cohort colleague Margaret Lincoln comes this notice about a writing opportunity! Dear Librarian: Would you like to be included in Librarians Beyond the Circ Desk: Innovative Librarianship on how you became a blogger, book reviewer, software developer, web administrator or other complimentary activities furthering librarianship? Libraries Unlimited, Scarecrow, Neal-Schuman, Linworth, and McFarland are interested. Contributions from public, school, academic, special librarians–one 1250 word article or two articles each 1250 words, are invited. Those sending two articles (both accepted) will receive a free book as payment. Each “how-to” article will showcase the creativity of contemporary U.S. librarians. For […]