Monthly Archives: June 2006

63 posts

A Conference Aggregator

David Warlick posts about Hitchhikr: It’s a conference aggregator for lack of a better phrase. You’ll see two lists of conferences in the panel to the right. The top list includes conferences that will be happening in the next month (in red), conferences that have already happened in the last month (gray), and any conferences that are currently going on (blue). The longer list beneath includes all of the conferences that have been registered on hitchhikr. They are sorted by popularity. You can click any conference to receive its report. Reports include a brief description, submitted by the person who […]

The Full Set of Our Librarian Trading Cards

The Full Set of Our Librarian Trading Cards Originally uploaded by Pegasus Librarian. Jenny & Steven have already mentioned this but I just have to chime in and comment on how wonderful it is to take this online thing and make it a physical extension as well: putting a face on the library. Folks, any library can do this! Think of the possibilities for outreach to your community of users! Collect them all! Rock On Gould Library! UPDATE from Iris: Thanks Michael. 🙂 One note of clarification: these cards have been around since before the “online thing.” Every year since […]

Reinvention Yet Again! Congratulations Michael Casey

This little fact snuck it’s way this week onto Michael Casey’s About Page at Library Crunch: He’s also the Division Director of Technology Services for the Gwinnett County Public Library. WoooHoo! Congrats to Michael for moving up from Branch Manager to Division Director of Technology! I have been knocked out by the caliber of the posts at Library Crunch since last fall, Michael’s work opening the new branch at Gwinnett and his thoughts on technology planning, creating new services and user-centric libraries. What a perfect position to move into! I am also happy to report Michael and I will be […]

OPAL Presentations & Extra Links!

Michael Stephens’ OPAL presentation, SL cam Originally uploaded by informationgoddess29. A few folks listened to the talks in Second Life! These are the added links from discussion that came up during the four presentations I gave on Thursday and Friday for OPAL. We had great groups both days. I really appreciate the folks at OPAL setting it up! It was also available in Second Life! Here are the presentations: Here are the extra links from discussion: Weblogs: Amanda Etches Johnson’s Wiki of Library Weblogs: Great resource and clearinghouse of all types of Biblioblogs! Jenkins […]

On Change

To bury the grape tendril in such a way that it shoots out new growth I recognize easily as a metaphor for the way life must change from time to time if we are to go forward in our thinking. Frances Mayes Under the Tuscan Sun (For everyone on the brink of change, or in the thick of it all….)

The Digital Nation

David Warlick posts: MySpace now has 72 million users. That is larger than the populations of 213 countries. Perhaps we could deal with the social online networks thing if we thought of it for what it is — MyNation. This is their digital nation. They are citizens, and they’ve never been taught digital civics. (see the post for notes) Might librarians also be thinking about teaching digital civics? I think so!

Attention Innovative: Get a Clue(train)!

I’ve been telling the librarians I’ve been speaking with to read the Cluetrain Manifesto and apply it to library services. Networked conversations are changing business, and I honestly believe, changing libraries. Look at the incredible discussion, conversation and kerfuffle around the ALA L2 course! Into my aggregator comes Casey Bisson’s post about Nicole’s post entitled “Touched a Nerve.” Seems a staffer from iii was displeased with her blog post about the ILS… Here’s what I might say, quoting the Cluetrain: Markets are conversations! Here’s what your some of your market is saying: In the meantime, I tell people not to […]