Daily Archives: October 1, 2007

2 posts

Thanks Jenimi!

Thanks Jenimi! Originally uploaded by mstephens7 I received this lovely card at the lake this weekend — from Jennifer Graham. It was a Thank You but also a reminder to get out where the Wild Things are. That’s a good reminder to get sometimes! I always watch for synchronicity in things – this time it comes with Karen’s post about leaving ALA TechSource blog. When I turned 40 I could imagine that I was not halfway through my life; I can see myself living well into my 80s. But at the half-century mark, I’m far more acutely aware that time […]

The Blogging Librarian: Pragmatic, Connected and Visible

I was honored to be asked by Brian Kelly to write a guest post for his blog UK Web Focus. There are definitely benefits to administrative blogging. It might be the library is about to launch a new initiative or fund raising campaign. The use of a blog as a communication mechanism to deliver transparent news and plans seems like a good fit. Properly marketed and utilized – key for an such project – the blog can be a visible means to connect users to library policy-makers. It would also set a good example for others in the library who […]