Joomla in Libraries Originally uploaded by crr29061. From the site: Joomla! is an award-winning, open source (Free!) Content Management System that helps you build and manage state-of-the-art websites and other powerful online applications. Why Joomla In Libraries ? Here you’ll find step-by-step tutorials, library-focused templates, extensions, and a community of support to get your website off the ground and running quickly and smoothly.
Yearly Archives: 2007
You have new Picture Mail! Originally uploaded by The Shifted Librarian. We’ll miss you!
Trading Card for the Visitors Originally uploaded by mstephens7. We made this card as a group today in class! A big THANK YOU from LIS753 to Jaap and Erik for visiting with us and sharing their insights!
More linkage folks! This weekend is the second meeting of my section of LIS753: Internet Fundamentals & Design. Over six in class eight hour days and some out of class online hours, the class codes HTML, blogs, and creates a new library service with a Web 2.0 tool. We started the day with a brief presentation by our Dutch visitors Erik & Jaap. They shared details of their innovations at DOK and engaged the class in a conversation/discussion about implementing new ideas and sharing content at Delft Public Library. What about the costs for these tools? a student asked. […]
Via the LiB: Republican Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska has introduced a bill called “Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act” (#S49.IS). This is simply the new version of the DOPA bill, including all the original DOPA propositions with two additional Titles added: restricting the sale of personal information of children for marketing and raising fines for child pornography violations. Because DOPA is now sandwiched between these two other things that sound hunky dory, it is more likely to pass than it was last time. Now, why should librarians and their patrons care about DOPA? As I said the […]
AADLGT Prizes Originally uploaded by *ejk*. Those are some HOT prizes for gaming at AADL! Richard Wallis discusses the Web 2.0 Video and offers this: If you haven’t seen it yet I encourage you to invest the 4:31 minutes it takes to watch. According to Michael Wesch – Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Kansas State University this is only a second draft of the video but nevertheless eminently watchable. The video is an output from Digital Ethnography – a working group of Kansas State University students and faculty dedicated to exploring and extending the possibilities of digital ethnography. Those four and a half minutes deliver a more informative/entertaining insight in to the journey from […]
New Zealand Presentation!! Originally uploaded by mstephens7. A big shout out to the folks at Wellington in New Zealand! Thanks for a great session!
Forget the card catalogue. McMaster’s new librarian is talking blog, wiki and gaming. He’s even giving the university an alternative life on a popular online world. Read the Full Article I had the pleasure of presenting the kickoff for McMaster University library’s Learning 2.0 program last week and I had the distinct pleasure of dining with University Librarian Jeff Trzeciak and User Experience Librarian Amanda Etches-Johnson. Our lunch disciussion was incredible and I felt I was truely in the presence of Innovators. Want proof? Check out the Hamilton Spectator article above. When McMaster University hailed the hiring of a new […] Karen Schneider reports: n March 8, 2007, netbib, Germany’s best observed library-related weblog, will feature an “all-women’s day,” featuring a call for postings by women on Web/Library 2.0 issues, to be posted on that day Ladies, may I ask you to participate? Gentlemen, can I ask you to reach out to the woman (or women) you know have great ideas they are not sure about sharing–and post them on March 8? (Glynnis, you and my new friends in South Africa–can we get some perspectives from you?) Kudos to Anne Christensen and company for thinking this up. Please, give this […]