Contributors Michael Stephens

3983 posts

RSS Synchronicity this AM

Nice bit of synchronicity. I e-mailed David King’s new Computers in Libraries article (as a PDF) to some folks here at SJCPL to highlight how focusing on local content and offering RSS is effective in serving users. Then, I log on to the Online Social Network Conference and find that one of the attendees has posted a link in the “Library Table” are: “Libraries get hip to RSS” — sorry if someone posted this last month and I missed it.

That Local Flavor Please

This is a cross post from the Online Social Network Conference going on now: One thing that has really impressed me is the use of subject-guide categories at Kansas City Public Library. Their site is full of pages that are often updated with local information and general interest stuff as well — and many of the pages have specfiic RSS feeds. ? Take a look at: ? It’s ingenious and I believe they hit on one of the strengths of creating an OSN for a community via the library: highlighting local information. Back in the day — 🙂 […]

TTW Podcast #2: Communicating Your Library’s Message

Let’s try again. I did some tweaks on my setup. Tame the Web Podcast 2: Communicating your Library’s Message Contents: Call for Speakers for Public Library Track at IL 2005 Call for Speakers at Internet Librarian International Communicating your Message – 8 Channels (PDF) (Originally developed with Lissa Krull 2003) Please comment… or e-mail…

Unintended Consequence of Podcasting

I am sitting here this rainy cold Sunday in Northern Indiana trying to record the TTW Podcast #2. Here’s my take on an unintended consequence: recording a podcast is also great prep for a presentation…. I have notes, some pages to refer to and my thoughts but it really helps to settle in and start talking — to present the topic and see how it plays out as you record. It helps put ideas in place. You get to hear yourself immediately as well– eeek! Too many UMs and “wells” or weird sentences and I want to edit or rerecord. […]

Will Richardson’s Teacher Blogger Guidelines

Via Weblogg-ed, one of my favorites in Net News Wire… (I can’t stand it…I’m reprinting them all here…) For Teachers (Librarians), blogging at work: “So, here’s a short list. This is open-text, remember, so we can all play along. 1. Decide carefully if you want to create a public space for your ideas with your name on it. Maybe going anonymous would be better. There are a couple of great anonymous teacher blogs out there, Hipteacher among them. 2. When you write, assume it will be read by the very people you may not want to read it. Think about […]

IM Bookmark

Beatrice comments: I’m a brand new librarian in a new job and getting giddy just reading this. I love the idea of the IM bookmark as a promotion. May we “borrow” this idea? My library is currently offering e/m and virtual ref, but virtual ref is sporadically active at best. I’m going to be talking to my colleagues today about trying chat reference (probably using Trillian); on any given day that I walk around the library I see students using databases, the web and one or two IM applications all at once. I’m hoping that we’ll even reach those working […]

Internet Librarian International

The Call for Proposals is up at The 7th annual Internet Librarian International ? the only conference for information professionals and librarians who are using, developing, and implementing internet, intranet, and web-based strategies in their daily work as information navigators, webmasters, web managers, content evaluators, internet strategists, portal creators, product developers, searchers, library managers, and educators ? will be held Monday and Tuesday, 10-11 October, at a new venue for 2005 ? London’s Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington. Internet Librarian International provides a stimulating forum for inquiring delegates and experienced speakers to explore the exciting range of issues and […]

Online Social Networks Conference has begun

The conference began yesterday with a bunch of folks from all over the world logging in, introducing themselves and pulling up a chair — an avatar chair! Howard Rheingold, Joi Ito and Lisa Kimball did an audio keynote that was most cool to listen to: LISTEN TO IT HERE!!! Some points I made notes on: (and these are rough! Please listen to the 16min file!) What do we call online social networks? Early on it was more social and less technology. These days it’s focused more on the technology (blogs, wikis). Has the quality of social networking improved in the […]

The Podcast Media & OSS

I’ve been thinking about podcasts… dabbling a bit this week. One thing that is pretty darn cool is that some of this phenomenon/trend has roots in good old Open Source Software. What is a podcast? Folks have been offering definitions. For example, PodcastAlley defines it, Webopedia does as well, and wikipedia has a great entry here:“A podcast is much like an audio magazine subscription: a subscriber receives regular audio programs delivered via the internet, and she or he can listen to them at her or his leisure.” For example, downloading Audacity is a good first step. Audacity is free, open […]

Training/Promotional Opportunities (and Nudity!)

Never miss a chance to promote your library and its services — even if you happen to be undressed! At the gym this am, a fellow asked me about wifi at SJCPL. I was glad to give him some info, invite him to any location to try it out and praised his use of a Macintosh PowerBook! The other part of this story: I never miss a chance to talk tech. In the all together, I settled into the whirlpool tub in our locker room after exercising. The fellow across from me (also in the all together) greets me and […]