I am relaxing…watching movies..playing with the boys… we’ll see you in 2005! Best to all for a safe and happy holiday!
Contributors Michael Stephens
Christmas Eve, my 2 year old Apple Cinema Display gave up the ghost! 🙁 I’m off for repairs with it and the G5 on Monday! 🙁
Via the Information Literacy Weblog: “CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) Council has officially approved the definition of Information Literacy produced by a CILIP working group:” http://www.cilip.org.uk/professionalguidance/informationliteracy/definition/ Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. This definition implies several skills. We believe that the skills (or competencies) that are required to be information literate require an understanding of: a need for information the resources available how to find information the need to evaluate results how to work with or exploit […]
Last Thursday I did two training sessions for the official team of SJCPL Blogging Librarians. It was a 90 minute session. I developed some objectives for the training first: After successfully completing this session, participants will be able to: ? Post SJCPL Weblog entries formatted with bold, italics and inserted hyperlinks. ? Insert special characters as needed with HTML coding. ? Locate and insert images that are ?fair use? compliant for Weblog entries. ? Utilize stylesheet and guidelines to insure consistent posts across system. And then I created a handout to go with it. A general guidelines sheet was developed […]
I have a list of posts to get out but I’m taking some time! I have finished another semester at UNT and am ready to unplug! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! to all of my friends and colleagues in library land — from folks nearby to good friends across tha Atlantic I was glad to meet this year!
In an IM, Karen just summed so much up in so few words: “People fall over and die in meetings and no one notices because they’re looking at commas.” Rock On!
Oh Lipstick librarian – your insight slays me this am concerning librarians and their need http://www.lipsticklibrarian.com/blog/archives/000103.html Okay; it’s one thing to be corrected when giving a paper or a speech, or even in a blog entry, but in a casual e-mail?? That little incident crystallized what exactly irks me about socializing with librarians: our incessant–nay, obsessive need to correct others. No matter what the situation or who’s involved, we can never let pass the opportunity to be right, no matter how picayune the mistake or perceived mistake (in this instance it was a grammatical controversy of the actor/actress ilk). No […]
Steven writes about librarians who blog oh so nicely: http://www.librarystuff.net/2004/12/does-your-employer-know-that-you-blog.html Anonymous blogging intrigues me. I’ve never done it but I read some “front line” blogs every once in awhile and appreciate the candor and honest look at what happens at reference desks all over. And I agree with Mr. Cohen – if you are blogging, let your boss know. My blog is on my resume..is yours? I have also mentioned here I turn in conference reports made up ofd all of my blog entries from that event. It’s easy and it keeps me focused on blogging while at the conference. […]
Just read Steven’s post… http://www.librarystuff.net/2004/12/no-blogging-at-conferences.html This makes me a little crazy. I don’t get it…. But maybe, like Mr. Cohen, I need more information.