Put your library’s logo and barcodes on iPhone cases! This is some solid library pride / geek chic for your members, as well as a way for you to demonstrate that you understand. You do understand, right? 100 cases for $600 500 cases for $2500 1000 cases for $4500 Visit: http://weareinflux.com/library-barcode-iphone-cases/ What a wonderful idea!
[I have posted on the new (draft) Information Literacy Framework from ACRL here, and you can also read the thoughts of others here.] As we approach the upcoming ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas (in June) where our task force will unveil a more complete draft, I wanted to offer some thoughts on how this Framework connects to undergrads with a special nod toward my community college colleagues. (I do not speak for the Task Force in this post.) As the Task Force has acknowledged, we are basing our work on the groundbreaking work of Lori Townsend, Korey Burnetti, and Amy R. […]
This was officially my first Canadian library Staff Development Day. Thanks to everyone at the Chatham-Kent Public Library for such a warm welcome and response to my talk. The slides are here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/StephensChathamKentStaff.pdf
We are very excited about our upcoming Graphic Novel Symposium, which will be in September of 2014. Check out our website, http://www.morainevalley.edu/comicculture. We are aiming to create an academic event that can be utilized by our faculty members in the arts and humanities (and maybe other areas of the curriculum). We’ll be featuring faculty lectures, local comic shops, a gaming event, and a cosplay event. We’ve been working on the marketing for this , and we recruited one one of our awesome catalogers, Brenda Lozano, as our model for our images. Yes, it’s true. When Brenda is not cataloging our […]
Greetings from Chatham, Ontario. Last night I gave a presentation for assembled members of the library board, community leaders and guests. The discussion was most wonderful! Here are the slides: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/StephensChathamKentCommunityForum.pdf Thanks to all who attended!
My new column is up at Library Journal, all about our research concerning The Hyperlinked Library MOOC. Also, I’m very happy to announce we’ll be teaching a revised and updated version of the #hyperlibMOOC in Spring 2015. http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2014/04/opinion/michael-stephens/lessons-from-hyperlibmooc-office-hours/ LIBRARIAN’S ROLES Kyle and I wrote a paper for the proceedings of the 16th Distance Library Services Conference this month in Denver based on this post-MOOC survey question: “Reflecting on your MOOC experience, what roles do you think librarians might play within MOOCs?” The identified roles include: Guide Rarely in the library, working on the go, from home or third place, or amid […]
Greetings from Denver! I’m here to present this paper from our #hyperlibMOOC research: Stephens, M. & Jones, K. M. L. (2014, April). “Emerging Roles: Key Insights from Librarians in a Massive Open Online Course” proceedings of 16th Distance Library Services Conference, Denver, April 2014. The slides are here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/StephensJonesDistanceLibraryServicesConf.pdf Other Resources: Lessons from #hyperlibMOOC: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2014/04/opinion/michael-stephens/lessons-from-hyperlibmooc-office-hours/ A Genius Idea?: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2014/03/opinion/michael-stephens/a-genius-idea-office-hours/ Learning Everywhere: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2012/04/opinion/michael-stephens/learning-everywhere-office-hours/ Learning to Learn: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/06/opinion/michael-stephens/learning-to-learn-office-hours/ Infinite Learning: http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/10/opinion/michael-stephens/infinite-learning-office-hours/ #hyperlibMOOC Research: https://tametheweb.com/hyperlibmooc-research/
It’s so cool to see how 23 Mobile Things taken off. Here’s a shout out to the good folks in France who’ve adapted the program! http://www.bibliopedia.fr/index.php/23_Mobile_things_-_Twitter Take look at all the versions here: http://23mobilethings.net/wpress/remix-2/
Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Texas Library Association Conference in San Antonio. While there, I had the opportunity to talk with Justin Hoenke (among many folks) who is also a contributor to this blog. We discussed his work at the Chattanooga Public Library and, specifically about the use of their 3D printer. Listening to him talk, it really struck me that at the basic level Justin does not really care about the 3D printer. The 3D printer is all well and good, but the thing that he is really after is the learning, the creativity, that […]
outside the lines launches september 2014 Weeklong Celebration Gets Communities Thinking of Libraries in a Whole New Way DENVER–April 14, 2014–Inspired by the urgent need to shift perceptions of libraries, a group of Colorado library marketers and directors have developed a bold, new campaign that reintroduces libraries to their communities and gets people thinking – and talking – about these organizations in a whole new way. Outside the Lines is a weeklong celebration, Sept. 14-20, 2014, demonstrating the creativity and innovation happening in libraries. Organizations of all types can participate by hosting at least one event or campaign during the […]