I am excited to be speaking at the Public Library Conference in Indianapolis. See you there! Thursday, March 13, 2014 04:15 PM – 05:15 PM 135-136 Hyperlinked Learning Experiences at Public Libraries: MOOCs & Beyond This presentation will explore emerging models of connected, open learning—offered for free— with great potential for staff and the public. Can we support students of all kinds in Massive Open Online Courses? What’s the potential for professional development and lifelong learning when courses can gather the best of the best in a field and offer experiences and exploration anywhere? This session will explore new ideas […]
Via Pam the Librarian: http://pamlibrarian.wordpress.com/2014/03/08/kicked-out-of-the-library/ Last week I went to the Exeter Public Library with a colleague to work on a project for our high school. We needed Internet access, a table to spread our documents out on, an outlet to plug-in our devices, a spot away from the distractions of our school, and a buzzing atmosphere where we would feel inspired to create new ideas for our project. What better place than the local library? We arrived to a very still and silent library. Two women behind the main desk looked at us as we walked in and went back […]
Sarah Houghton writes: http://librarianinblack.net/librarianinblack/2014/03/new-san-rafael-public-library-website.html I’m pleased to announce that last week we launched a new website for San Rafael Public Library athttp://srpubliclibrary.org. The site was designed by Influx with their Prefab library website service. We are very happy with it! Our library is relatively small and we don’t have the time or staff brain bandwidth or expertise to design, maintain, troubleshoot, and host a website. We were happy to hire Influx to do this work for us. For very little money a whole lot of pressure and stress has been relieved from our collective library brain. So far, we’ve gotten some really fabulous […]
Brian Kelly (Cetis, University of Bolton) and I are carrying out a survey to support a contribution for the LILAC 2014 information literacy conference. The aim of the survey is to identify institutional policies and practices to support use of Cloud services by staff and researchers as well as current institutional policies and practices for staff and researchers before they leave their host institution (e.g. due to redundancy, retirement or to take up a new post) who wish to continue to make use of IT services and digital resources. The findings will be published in a poster on “Preparing our […]
I am very happy to share that over the past few weeks Michael Casey and I have edited together all of the Library Journal “Transparent Library” columns into an e-book that we are making available for FREE to readers of TTW. Here’s the description: The “Transparent Library” gathers 29 columns from Michael Casey and Michael Stephens. Originally published in Library Journal from 2007 – 2009, the column explored concepts related to transparency, management, engaging communities, social media, strategic planning and constant change. The e-book includes supplemental essays and columns, and includes a new conversation “The Transparent Library Revisited.” We’ve wanted to assemble […]
Are you my mentor? An exploration of the intersection of Twitter & mentoring relationships. In the real world mentors are usually organic relationships without specific titles, goals, or responsibilities. Mentors are simply experienced people you get to know and look to for advice, informally and organically. They’re people you go to coffee with, people you ask for guidance, and people you call when there’s a big decision to make. (Barr, 2013, para. 14) Ideas about mentors and mentoring have changed a lot over the years, particularly with the advent of social media. As an avid Twitter user, I was curious […]
Had a great day yesterday with library folk at two talks I gave at UCSB. The slides are here: Learning Everywhere/Learning Always: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/StephensLearningUCSB.pdf Trends & Tech: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/TrendsTechUCSB.pdf
Thanks to everyone at Cook Memorial Public Library District. I spoke at the library’s staff development day yesterday. I enjoyed talking with the staff and board members about planning, emerging technologies and “learning everywhere.” The slides are here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/239835/StephensCookMemStaffDay.pdf
Today, the first draft of a new Framework for Information Literacy has been released for comment. ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force has been charged with revising the info lit standards. (For the record, I am a member of this committee but I do not speak on behalf of the committee here.) The task force’s work address the recommendations made by a previous review group . The task force is working on a product that I believe will be qualitatively different than the existing standards. The “Old” Standards The current (old) ACRL Information Literacy Standards were […]
Warren Cheetham writes: I am very proud of this, because it’s taken a cultural change of about five years to allow something like this video to be produced. How so? Digital storytelling is relatively cheap and easy to do, using the tools that most people carry with them each day – tablets, digital cameras and smart phones. Encouraging staff to take time to play with those devices at work has taken a lot of encouragement and support. It was seen as something outside of the ‘real job’ and the idea of taking work time to play seemed a bit wrong. […]