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Posts about blogging

Library Director: Are you ready to go there?

Deep in my research proposal this morning at the Mishawaka Panera Bread, Blyberg’s statement resonates with me while writing about the social purpose of Library Weblogs: Early in the website design process, we made the decision that blogs would constitute the nucleus of our dynamic website content. In addition, we wanted to enable commenting on those blogs. We really had no idea what kind of response we would get–of what form that response would take. Just a brief look at our Director’s Blog will illuminate the fact that the blogs promote a constant two-way dialogue between our director, Josie Parker, […]

I Shush: On Tagging and More

I’ve been reading I Shush lately from Woody E, a Librarian from Texas, and this caught my eye: This all leads to reader participation in the organization of information. Librarians no longer have a monopoly on this. Computers and people are finding new, sexier ways to it for themselves. For librarians to stay in the game, we’ve got to incorporate self-organizing, bottom-up, grassroots, folksonomies into the very careful and rather inert records we create. We need moveable records (or, to clarify: portions of records) that make library materials dynamic for our users. iBistro is a step toward Amazon, but we’ve […]

“They did not want the staff to feel obliged to visit a weblog.”

A comment posted for Libraries Using Multiple Weblogs Well I started with two blogs for our library: one for news about our digital collection and daily messages about in-house matters, the other one for tools, nice websites and other things like that. The management could not agree on the first one because they did not want the staff to feel obliged to visit a weblog. I thought it was an opportunity to get them all moving to online information gathering. I was wrong :-/ Edwin Edwin – I am very sorry about this. What if the staff was trained to […]

YA Librarian Blog

Via OPL Plus: About This Blog: This Blog is updated by two librarians who work with teens. It includes viewpoints about serving teens, as well as day-to-day commentary on what the librarians are learning and experiencing. Good stuff! This blog will be useful to many librarians working and planning with teens, who might want to add it to their aggregator!

Libraries Using Multiple Weblogs

From comment on the OPAL Links post: Did you mention something about individual library branches having their own blogs? Do you know of any library systems doing this right now? This question came up at PLA as well. Can you, readers, help me out? Is anyone using multiple blogs for each branch library or department? I like the idea especially if aggregated into a central page. It would certainly be something to explore. Please comment, e-mail me at mstephens7 (at) or IM me at mstephens7mac.

Running through the Garden I am enjoying Library Garden… I like the tone, the focus and the information. Give it a try, especially this post: Use Your Good Judgement Think about that for a minute. One rule, “use your good judgment” (note, they don’t say “best judgment”; they give employees credit for having good judgment right from day one.) One rule, followed by the encouragement to do anything that the low-level, inexperienced employee deems appropriate to give good customer service. That’s employee empowerment, and it’s that foundation of trust that naturally gives rise to the famous Nordstrom culture of customer service. Now think […]

TechEssence Meredith points to TechEssence where she is writing with some ultra-hot library folk! I heart group blogging! Take a look because from what I’ve seen this will be a valuable resource for evidence-based decision-making.

Welcome Rachel to the Biblioblogosphere!

Rachel Singer Gordon, most cool library author and my writing partner for Computers in Libraries’ “Tech Tips for Every Librarian,” has started a blog! Take a look and add her to your aggregator! I am very happy she is adding her voiuce to the collective voice of the biblioblogosphere! I look forward to her insight and thoughts! She’s definitely a “cool kid” in my book. The Liminal Librarian Rachel writes: I’m mindful of the temptation to start a blog, then all but abandon it for lack of time, energy, or “something to say” — one reason I’ve held off this […]