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Posts about blogging

Peer Reviewed Blogs in Academia The conflicted reactions to blogging in higher education are discussed in a good article at Slate titled, “Attack of the Career-Killing Blogs.” It suggests several reasons while academic blogging is looked down upon, including departmental jealousy, that it’s considered a waste of time that should be spent on serious research, and that it falls outside the traditional peer-review journal system. Blogs however, seem to fulfill in many more ways the “fruition, not a betrayal, of the university’s ideals.” The article then considers that if a major objection to academic blogs is that they lack peer review, how might a […]

What Library Blogs Can Do For You

A nice post at a newish blog: This post pionts to two great passages from Laurel Clyde’s book Weblogs and Libraries. A nice reminder of excellent scholarly work from someone the information science community lost too soon.

Blogging is Good For You

I love this list! Reprinting all of them as an FYI…New Library graduates, have you thought about blogging and listing your blog on your resume? Ten Reasons Why Blogging is Good For Your Career You have to get noticed to get promoted. You have to get noticed to get hired. It really impresses people when you say “Oh, I’ve written about that, just google for XXX and I’m on the top page” or “Oh, just google my name.” No matter how great you are, your career depends on communicating. The way to get better at anything, including communication, is […]

Darien Librarian Blog on Skull Island Climate

I’ve been to point folks to the Darien Library Blogs for sometime, and what better time than now, to highlight this post about AV materials: King Kong opens today and it’s playing right here in town! Now, the question is, are we determined enough to brave these bone-chilling temperatures and leave the homefires to view the mighty beast? Come on! The reviews are so good, this may turn out to be the rare screen event that launches a classic. Besides, the movie, at more than 3 hours long, will give us ample time to thaw and we can enjoy […]

Ken Smith on Academic Blogging Ken Smith, who blogs here in South Bend at Weblogs in Higher Education, has published an article about blogging at University Business. Here’s my favorite quote: Whether it’s written by a witty cultural studies professor or a dedicated news junkie, a good blog usually includes links to other websites. The blogger quotes from and annotates other blogs in an informal fashion that many a scholar would nevertheless recognize. Good bloggers do quite a bit of work to present, perhaps even organize, a body of knowledge for their readers, and they write every day. They respond quickly to news and […]

EduBlog Awards – Vote for your favorite Librarian’s blog!

Amongst all the incredible nominees for edu-blogging is a category of LIBRARIANS! The nomineess are: (drum roll) 1. Caveat Lector Dorothea Salo 2. Infomancy Christopher Harris 3. Joyce Valenza’s NeverEnding Search Joyce Valenza 4. Jessamyn West 5. Open Stacks Greg Schwartz 6. The Shifted Librarian Jenny Levine I’m pleased to say I know 4 of these folks personally! Here’s the link to vote: Please vote!

Future ALA president is Blogging

Via Alan Gray of the Darien Library in Connecticut: President-elect Leslie Burger has returned to blogging. This is good on so many levels. It makes me happy to see our incoming president try one of the Web 2.0 tools on for size. I hope I bump into her someday at a conference and we get to talk about blogs, etc. I’m sure it won’t be like when TTW met Michael Gorman in March 2005. I especially like “Talking to Strangers on Buses” – I’ve done that myself at ALA! She writes: I love to chat people up on the […]