Justin Hoenke, Teen Librarian, Cape May County Library writes: Michael, Thanks for the post about our Games on Tour event…I’ve got a follow up for you…Videos!What I really love about these videos are the wide range of ages playing these games…a three year old against a 60 year old? Sure, why not… And even better…it’s all taking place at the library. http://www.youtube.com/user/cmclibrary http://cmclibraryteens.blogspot.com/
Categories Gaming & Gamification
!, originally uploaded by capemaycountylibrary. Justin Hoenke writes: I’m the teen librarian at the Cape May County Library here in Cape May Court House, NJ. I put together a “video games on tour at the library” event at our library that’s going on this week and so far it’s been really successful. We’ve had people of all ages coming out to test games at the library…it has been great! Here are some photos! http://www.flickr.com/photos/capemaycountylibrary/
Via ALA Direct: Libraries’ Video Games are Teen Magnet “Gaming is storytelling for teenagers,” said Julie Scordato, a teen-services specialist for Columbus’ libraries. “You get to mingle, play and talk, and you get to really know them. Then when you suggest a book, they listen.” The American Library Association considers Columbus’ system one of the top innovators in electronic amusement and has invited Scordato to join a panel to develop guidelines on how best to use video games in libraries. The association also plans to study how video games affect literacy and problem-solving skills, using a $1 million grant from […]
Adrian Mixson, Library Director at Hall County Library System weighs in on an article about recent library trends in Governing via the library’s e-link newsletter: http://www.hallcountylibrary.org/elink/elink_jul08.htm Dear Patron, I subscribe to Governing magazine electronically and usually read it shortly after the monthly is released. If you are not familiar with the magazine, it is probably the best publication currently out that addresses the most crucial issues facing state and local government. The June issue featured an article entitled Revolution in the Stacks: to appeal to a new generation some libraries are positioning themselves as places to create content, by Christopher Swope; pshew, but that […]
| View | Upload your own This was the independent study I supervised last spring. I am very impressed with Margaret’s work and found the final presentation in Second Life to be engaging and thought-provoking. Check it out. From her blog: http://librariandreamer.wordpress.com/ My Second Life research project concluded with an end-of-term presentation within Second Life. My advisor, Michael Stephens, and two other avatars showed up to hear my research results and participate in discussion. You can see my final presentation slides here. This blog will continue to exist as a record of this project but I’ll no longer be actively posting […]
Introduction: Me., originally uploaded by Timothy Greig. http://timothygreig.com/archives/131 Timothy Grieg, who I’ve followed for a while as he worked on his Masters project, writes: Today I collaborated (virtually and in person) with three other Second Life educators to present a session on Libraries and Second Life at theTELSIG National Seminar which is being held in Palmerston North today and tomorrow. I was incredibly nervous, and we were all crossing our fingers and toes that there wouldn’t be technology hitches – but all in all – even though there was the odd hiccup, I think it went pretty well! Everyone […]
See the full video from the Shanachies at DOK here: http://www.vimeo.com/1208483
Pizza @ TADL BATL, originally uploaded by lerxst / boycat. I’m very impressed with the BATL @ TADL Gaming program! http://batl.tadl.org/
Via John Kirriemuir http://www.silversprite.com/?p=540 Academics who have successfully developed in SL report that their host institution and technical services are largely supportive, though with the latter there are often problems with firewalls, PC capability and enabling voice functionality. Academics report varied reactions to SL from colleagues, ranging from interest and curiosity to suspicion and “hatred”. Unlike their US counterparts, UK academic libraries are not significantly involved in SL activities. Academics described a very wide range of SL activities spanning teaching, learning, research, performance, construction and demonstration. The key advantage of SL in teaching and learning is that there are many activities […]
John Kirriemuir writes: http://www.silversprite.com/?p=537 The latest snapshot report on UK Higher and Further Education developments in Second Life is nearing completion; the report should be out in a few weeks. Here’s the responses to one particular question, from academics who have been developing and/or using SL in their work. • Generally a gimmick, though I think a few places who innovate are trying it out. • Hatred of any new technology by those within a decade of retirement. They hate change, they hate having to learn anything new, and they just want a quiet life until they drift off. Unfortunately, these same people hold the […]