We just sent the revised draft to the New Review of Academic Librarianship. Here is the abstract: Replicated across the globe, the Learning 2.0 program – also known as “23 Things” – has been touted as a means to not only educate staff about emerging social technologies but as a means of moving the participating library forward. This paper explores the results of a multi-faceted research project launched in Australia in 2009 as part of the CAVAL Visiting Scholar program, focusing on academic library staff who have participated in a Learning 2.0 program. Measuring the impact on staff, examining perceptions of […]
Categories Research
Who are the Lincoln Lawgers? Team Lincoln Lawgs – Maribel Nash from Chicago-Kent College of Law, Jamie Sommer & Jessica de Perio Wittman from John Marshall Law School, Patricia Scott from Loyola University Chicago School of Law, and Valerie Krasnoff from Northwestern University School of Law, along with supermentor Pat Boze — began the ILEAD U process by forming a team to collaborate to create an online legal research community specifically for Illinois law students. In sad news, we learned in July that Valerie had accepted a new position at Northwestern outside of the library and that she would no […]
Barrett Jones, Digital Preservation Outreach and Education – Office of Strategic Initiatives at the Library of Congress writes: The Library of Congress launched the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) initiative earlier this year. The mission of DPOE is to foster a national network of education programs for digital preservation. DPOE is conducting a survey of digital preservation training needs. The results of this survey will be used to develop course content and delivery options for digital preservation education. Take the survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/D6RF8RZ Download a flier: DPOE
Kyle Jones sent this to me: http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2962/2580 Kjellberg, Sara. “I am a blogging researcher: Motivations for blogging in a scholarly context” First Monday[Online], Volume 15 Number 8 (14 July 2010) Kjellberg conducted in-depth interviews with researchers who blog for the study. Take a look at the findings and discussion for some strong evidence for sharing and blogging the research process online as a researcher. Part of the conclusion: The analysis brings out at least three motivations for being a blogging researcher: the blog helps the researcher share with others, it provides a room for creativity, and it makes the researcher feel […]
Jeff Trzeciak writes about the recent Ithaka Report: http://ulatmac.blog.lib.mcmaster.ca/2010/04/09/ithaka-report/ My biggest take away from the report is this quote “if the library shapes its roles and activities based on what is currently most highly appreciated by faculty, it may lose a valuable opportunity to innovate and position itself as relevant in the future” In order for this to actually take place we have to have librarians with skills and characteristics that lend themselves to marketing/promotion, creativity/innovation, vision and risk. How are these characteristics playing out in our libraries given that we tend to be a profession that values tradition over […]
The editor of Internet Reference Services Quarterly (http://www.lib.jmu.edu/org/jwl/) seeks manuscripts for Volumes 15 and 16. The journal covers all aspects of reference service provided via the Internet. Why publish in IRSQ? Peer reviewed Four-week review process Editorial support for new authors Narrow scope focuses on web technologies as they relate to reference services Wide audience of all library types and disciplines – public, academic, special, humanities, science, etc. More information for authors is available at the journal website – http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/journal.asp?issn=1087-5301&subcategory=AH250000&linktype=44 Contact the editor with questions or to discuss your manuscript. Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis. Manuscripts that have […]
Dr Michael Stephens delivered the Dr Laurel Anne Clyde Memorial Keynote Address at the ASLA XXI Biennial Conference, held in Perth, Western Australia, from 29 September to 2 October 2009. Reprinted with permission from the Australian School Library Association Inc. (ASLA) Access 2010 24(1): 5. The evolving Web is an open and social place. The Web has changed everything. Its impact on every facet of our lives — home, work and school — would be difficult to measure but the ‘always on, always available’ Internet is certainly a game changer. Can you recall the first time you realised that the […]
http://blog.findingdulcinea.com/2010/01/new-york-state-educators-we-want-you.html If you are a teacher, librarian or school administrator at a New York public, private or independent middle school or high school, WE WANT YOU! We are conducting a survey of middle school and high school students’ online research habits and we’d love for you to participate. The online surveys are short, painless (we don’t ask sensitive questions), easy to understand and anonymous. They should take about 10 minutes to complete. Please note: Students will not be asked to provide their names, e-mail addresses or any other identifying information. Our analysis of survey data will be used to create […]
Measuring the Value & Effect of Learning 2.0 in Australian Libraries, originally uploaded by mstephens7. Wordle of some of the survey results I’m using in my talk at Educause Learning Initiatives today.
Via all sorts of wonderful bloggers comes this video prototyping the future of Sports Illustrated. Karl Fisch had this to say: More evidence that the way we interact with “text” is changing. To combine and paraphrase something I’ve heard David Warlick say more than once with something Jason Ohler says: We need to stop paper training our students. We should spend less time training our students how to use paper, and more time helping them use digital tools to interact in meaningful and productive ways with the media forms of the day. Also reminds me of this post: Note that […]