Kathryn Greenhill reports on Liz Wilkinson, University of Auckland, presenting at the LIANZA 2008 conference: I was very impressed with an information literacy package she had helped to design. Te Punga uses online graphic novels and simulations to introduce students to the library catalogue. I was even more impressed with her philosophy behind the design – and I have tried to capture this in this movie, Information Literacy: Seven ways to think outside the box. She was very gracious about being filmed with no rehearsal time, and I’m very grateful to her and the University Of Auckland for allowing me to use her words […]
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
Via Andrew Finegan from Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, comes another example of taking the library to the users. The books are read and passed on to others – great idea. Is anyone doing this in the States? http://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/wheelbarrow_library_service.html The vehicle As it takes its cargo of books to sunbathers, paddlers and beach walkers, our all terrain wheelbarrow skims along the sand like a jet powered hovercraft . It is orange and is decked out with flags, bells and a horn. You won’t be able to miss it! What’s on offer Beach goers of all persuasions are invited to rummage through our barrow […]
DevLearn08 staging area, originally uploaded by leeleblanc. TTW Contributor Lee LeBlanc writes: Today is the first day of DevLearn 2008 in San Jose. The elearning theme is not only valuable for someone in my position but this aspect of the changing nature of learning environments is fascinating and one libraries should watch (perhaps even participate in). More updates about this conference later. I’m being very conscious of my time here. I just read a very interesting blog post about how people are attending conferences these days -and not really attending them by being (kinda) un-present. Consumed, was the thought, about […]
Crowd, originally uploaded by teens_libraryloft. Teen Read Week at ImaginOn.
Danny Strzyzewski, originally uploaded by Lester Public Library. Lester Public Library writes: Calling all Veterans! In honor of Veteran’s Day, November 11, the library would like to honor our local servicemen and women. We are asking that anyone who is or has served in any branch of the military bring in a framed photo to be displayed in the library during the entire month of November. Please include the following information to be displayed with the photo: Name, Rank, Branch of Service, when and where served. Photos will be displayed in the reference area of the library and will be […]
Jens Bang Petersen / Musikbibliotek.dk / Gentofte Bibliotekerne writes to fill me in on somehting we discussed in the Next Generation Libraries panel at ILI in London – taking the library to users! Hello Michael We talked briefly at ILI2008, where I told you I was one of the librarians that visited the beach with a mobile ‘library’ this summer. You can see a small video made by the local newspaper/tv-station here: http://pola-dk.qbrick.com/index.aspx?cid=43&mid=631 and an article here:http://www.villabyerne.dk/article/20080802/ARTIKLER/670743420/1048 This is our take on the library on the beach: very informal with books, comics, magazines that we do not need delivered back, and therefore […]
I am hearting this post: Coming Full Circle: Humanity is the new Technology What I think is happening on the Web is very human. While we look toward trends like “cloud computing” it’s essential to understand what’s happening here. Sometimes, as human beings we don’t want human assistance, like for example if we’re checking out savings account or just need some cash from an ATM. In other instances, we are looking for a genuine human connection, and the Web spurred on by the advent of social networks is beginning to show signs of how this could possible be delivered. So […]
LILRC Annual Conference 2008, originally uploaded by Long Island Library Resources Council. Last Friday, I was honored to present at the Long Island Library Resources Council Annual Conference. Thanks to everyone involved! I had a wonderful time – even with the water I spilled down the front of my trousers minutes before my talk! The presentation slides are here.
Do we need to replace "scientific" with "library?", originally uploaded by JenWaller. JenWaller writes: And maybe remove the “glass ceilings” language? A sign in Suzzallo advertising the Changing the Face of Medicine traveling exhibit currently at the Health Sciences Library and at Suzzallo Library through November 21.
Karen Muller just shared this with the Web Advisory Committee: I am pleased to attach the current draft of the Style Guide for the “new” ALA web. As you go through it, you will see some places where we need specific input, or where content is still missing. Please go through it as carefully as you have time for, ask questions, suggest edits, etc. After we get your input, we’ll develop the next draft. As we did with the Style Guide developed in 2003, we will be seeking the committee’s endorsement of this document. It is the document *all* web […]