poster idea for fall orientation – student of the year Originally uploaded by K Jane Poster idea for fall orientation at the University of Guelph — student of the year. Libraries – steal this idea! Mash up your own! Thanks KJane!
Categories Web 2.0 & Library 2.0
Great post by Ann Arbor District Library Director Josie Parker on two years in the life of In my Web 2.0 talks, I usually get the question about letting staff publish blog posts directly to the Web. Wait! Shouldn’t they be proofed (well, yes) and shouldn’t a manager sign off on each one — or maybe a committee? š Not at AADL. Check out Josie’s words on trust: We trust our staff, and we know that when we expect the best of people that is usually what we get. Allowing staff to post in an unmoderated fashion has […]
Me at Work Originally uploaded by jessamyn An incredible image from Jessamyn’s photostream brightens my gray day in Northern Michigan: She writes: This is what I do on a lot of my days. I go to libraries and help people with their computers. Today was a fun day. Both my students had Macs and were clever and interesting people [the little girl is a grandchild of one of the trustees] with problems to solve. I taught the man on the right how to reply to an email, how to use the shift key and how to make a folder and […]
A Cheap Lynnetter Knockoff Originally uploaded by cogdogblog Play is integral to this thing we call “work” in the new net space, not bounded by walls, old rules of behavior, etc. Where is the carefully drawn line between work and play? Please click through and read Cogdogblog’s comments.
Greetings from the ultra-cool Traverse Area District Library, where I am embedded on the second floor working on my second installment of Library Technology Reports. This issue is a followup to last year’s Web 2.0 & Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software. This year it’s “Web 2.0 & Libraries, Part 2: Trends and Technologies, and I’m working on pulling it all together so it is as current as it can possibly be. My request? Please share your success stories and not so successful stories about marketing social software to the public. When Karen Schneider reviewed part one last year she […]
OCLC Blog Salon Originally uploaded by cindiann If anything, ALA 2007 was flickr’d, twitter’ed and blogged from any and every angle. I was lucky to meet some folks whose work inspires me, including Cindi, who I blogged about here, and many others. Also, I appreciate the message of Cindi’s shirt. Can you feel something coming from the discussions, online conversations and conference chatter? I can. Brian Kelly writes: As someone who used to work in a number of IT Service departments Iām aware of potential security implications. But the tone of this notice strikes me as inappropriate. And it also seems to be out of sync with the trend towards more user-focussed IT Service departments, articulated in the introduction to the UCISA IT Support Staff Symposium 2007 given by David Harrison, UCISA chair who argued that IT Services departments need to stop saying that they are user-focussed and actually mean it. Brian mentions the work of Michael Nowlan, Director of Information Systems Services at […]
Allen County Public Library 2.0 Originally uploaded by The Shifted Librarian Well done, ACPL! I’m impressed with what can be done with some 2.0 tools, determination and a vision. Indiana libraries should take note.
Illinois State University Milner Library Library 2.0 Hands On Workshop Originally uploaded by mstephens7 Thanks to all at Milner Library for two great days!