Search Results netvibes

17 results

An Open Letter to the South Bend Tribune

Dear South Bend Tribune:   I received your letter today asking for more information as to why I canceled my subscription last week. Your letter included a brief questionnaire asking why I stopped the paper and how the customer service was when I called to cancel. Yes, I called to cancel, because I couldn’t find a way to do so online. You might want to make that an option.   I canceled not only because the papers were piling up week to week and sometimes went right into the recycling bin, but also because I realized I was reading only […]

Tech Tips for Every Librarian

A big Thank You to the folks at Information Today for granting permission to me to reprint the articles I wrote as part of the “Tech Tips for Every Librarian” department, that Rachel Singer Gordon and I took turns writing in 2006 and 2007 for Computers in Libraries magazine. I enjoyed every one I wrote but was often sad that the immediacy of blogging and the opportunity to comment were lost because it was print-based. After 90 days, the rights to the content reverted to me. In preparing the new version of TTW, I wanted to make sure it was […]

Embedding a Librarian in Your Web Site Using meebo

Did last year’s “FASTER IM” article fire you up for on-the-cheap virtual reference? Have you launched your own instant messaging “ask a librarian” service and added it to your workflow? Are you ready for the next step? Then read on. And don’t worry, you can use these tips to start IM in your library now if you haven’t already. Last time we discussed IM (April 2006 CIL, “IM=FASTER Virtual Reference on the Cheap!”), I presented the FASTER model, for any type or size of library. This model addresses questions about implementation, workflow, and training: F is for going with the […]

LiBGuides (Updated)

I’m having a great time with my new class this semester. LIS768: Library 2.0 and Social Networking Technologies is an overview of Web 2.0 tools and L2 thinking. I’m using the works of Michael Buckland, Howard Rheingold, Jesse Shera and others to frame what participatory service might mean for libraries in today. Another part of the course focuses on hands on practice and exploration. AND the coolest thing is I am learning with the students. Just a couple of weeks ago, LIS768’er Mick Jacobsen shared his work with LibGuides at Northeastern Illinois University. Check it out: This might be […]

That Pesky Group Project

Here’s my updated group project assignment for LIS753 this semester. Which team would you like to be on? 🙂 LIS753 Internet Fundamentals and Design Stephens Team Projects Web Technologies – Creating a Service For this assignment, the class becomes the library emerging technology group. The group is looking at newer technologies and enhancing the library’s online presence. Sub-teams are formed to present prototype projects, research and plans for implementation. The class will be divided into groups. Each team will build a resource for librarians or libraries with their assigned tools. Each team will create a web presence/resource that offers information […]

Phil Bradley’s Library Weblog Feeds

Phil Bradley’s Library Weblog Feeds Originally uploaded by mstephens7. Phil writes: This is by way of an experiment really. I have created a publically available page at Pageflakes listing 30 or so Library/Librarian weblogs. All you need to do is vist the page, click on the little half diamond on the right of each title and see the recent postings, click and read. You don’t have to be a Pageflakes user either. This is a page that I’m going to keep, because it’s useful for me, so it will change over time – and this is an invitation that […]

More Useful Links for the OPAL Talk

UPDATE: What a great time that was! Thanks to all at OPAL!! Here’s the presentation. Here are some extra links as resources: Cluetrain Netvibes Open Source Software at TechEssence ALA on DRM & DRM Guide for Librarians Librarians Who IM Future of Music Using Bloglines! The Internet is Entering its LEGO era Libraries with MySpace accounts Tennant and Pace on the Future of Catalogues from Panlibus Rainie on Millennials from SELCO iPods in Action at Georgia College and State University Using Evidence to Support our Libraries from Stephen Abram OCLC Perceptions