Monthly Archives: June 2006

63 posts

Way to Go Jenny! (or SLA hearts RSS!)

“This course was so popular, we had to move to a larger room, and there still weren’t enough seats.” So cool to see reports from Jenny Levine’s RSS presentation yesterday at SLA in Baltimore! This morning I’m writing my acknowledgements for my forthcoming Library Technology Report and I realized how much she has inspired me and countless other librarians, including the 50 folks in the ALA library 2.0 Exploration! Yes, we’ve done over 28 presentations so far this year, together or apart, and I wouldn’t have missed a single minute! Well Done Jenny! Thank you! Update: More coverage from the […]

TTW Mailbox: Kankakee PL in NYT

From Allison, who does such cool stuff at KPL: The Kankakee Public Library has been featured in the June 11 OP-ED page of the New York Times. Pulitzer Prize Nominated author, and Kankakee booster, Luis Alberto Urrea was asked to write several opinion pieces for the Times. One topic he chose was the Kankakee success story. Urrea writes, “Kankakee is pulling itself back from the brink. And it all started with the library.” “Our cities are scrambling to find fresh paradigms for a new America. Maybe, just maybe, the Midwesterners, librarians, and Mexicans of Kankakee, Illinois, have found theirs.” Listen […]

Five Things Community Leaders Should Know about Libraries and the Public

Via Blake at LISNews: Libraries are highly valued Libraries are important 21st Century resources Voters love libraries Libraries use tax funds wisely The public welcomes a greater role for libraries (includes a safe and engaging place for teens!) So much to say about this but for now: Attention public library adminstrators: if you are not avctively building an engaging, welcoming space for teens to congregate, staffed with librarians who can interact with them and guide them as needed through all the information that bombards them, you are sadly missing the boat. (and the Cluetrain!) Gaming initiatives, teen advisory boards, […]

Gwinnett County PL Board Fires Director, Patrons Enraged

Via Michael Casey’s photostream: Gwinnett library board fires director By DUANE D. STANFORD The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Published on: 06/13/06 The Gwinnett County Library Board fired its executive director of 15 years Monday night, enraging a crowd of patrons who wanted her to keep her job. Sparking cries of “Incompetent!” and “Fire the Board!” from the audience, three of the library board’s five members voted to oust director Jo Ann Pinder without cause. The panel’s majority also used a parliamentary procedure to block the board’s only dissenting member, Brett Taylor, from speaking on the motion. Phyllis Oxendine, who sponsored the […]

So what about that Squidoo L2 Lens $$? The Library 2.0 reading list for the ALA course has been popular! In fact, Jenny and I just received a note about it and what the monies generated from the lens have been used for! Hi Jenny Levine & Michael Stephens: This is John Wood, founder of Room to Read. Seth and Megan at Squidoo said I could introduce your monthly payment report with a bit of great news. Thanks to contributed royalties from thousands of lensmasters, Room to Read has built a library for children in Cambodia. We hope to help these kids break the cycle of poverty […]

Librarian’s Book Club blog gets international attention One of my favorite examples fr blog workshops and the Roadshow! Well done, Christine!! Waterloo librarian Christine Brown draws inspiration from a variety of sources for her online book club blog. The blog has been picked up by the American Library Association as part of a course on Internet technologies. Do you know what a washing machine, hot air furnace, privy seat and moustache adjuster all have in common? Probably not. But then you’re likely missing out on Christine Brown’s blog, an online publishing tool that offers a huge array of information, including hyperlinks related to “cool websites.”

iPods @ SJCPL

iPods @ SJCPL Originally uploaded by St. Joseph County Public Library. Julie Hill, my friend and colleague from SJCPL, announces the new SJCPL iPod program!!!! I am so happy to see this fly!! Here’s a post she sent me for staff: Books on iPod: Yours our Ours The library will begin offering downloadable audiobooks on iPods beginning Fall 2006! Bring in your own iPod or check out one of the library-owned iPods. We’ll download bestselling audiobook titles from the iTunes Music Store for use on your MP3 player, laptop, or in your car. Want to know more? Contact the Sights […]

“We’ll have Second Lunch”

Check out Steve Lawson’s “A biblioblogger visits the local branch library” My favorite bit? BRANCH LIBRARIAN: We do have some online innovations here. We allow patrons to pay fines online via PayPal. BIBLIOBLOGGER: You still have fines? I’m sorry, my friend, but the Cluetrain is about to pull into the station, and you are looking like Anna Karenina, if you get my drift. BRANCH LIBRARIAN: Ah! A literary allusion! Yes, I understand perfectly, though I’m not flattered. BIBLIOBLOGGER: Hey, don’t take offense. Tell you what, I’m doing a thing in Second Life tomorrow called Exhuming the Paleolibrary that is […]