Anne Beaumont, Digital Systems Research Analyst, Office of eStrategy & Innovation at the State Library of Victoria, Australia wrote to share this link:,3800011842,39169123-2,00.htm Every room in this UK hotel includes a Mac as media hub: Web, Music, DVD, etc. Nice! However, read the comments for the other side of the story: I stayed in the City Inn a few weeks ago and thought it was great but was underwhelmed by the Mac. Internet access via the Mac was charged for and the menu interface is akin to that of a mobile phone. Similar sequences of menus to navigate through […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
Strictly Originally uploaded by mstephens7 How did I miss this? Von, the Filipino Librarian, writes: Click on any of the photos above to see the photos I took of the Central Library of the National University of Singapore. Check out the lounge with vendo machines; the separate rooms for Internet and multimedia use; the automated machines for paying fines and borrowing books; the staff-built machine for returning books; the laptop charging area; the do-it-yourself, honesty-system photocopying machines; and the rooms for those who need to talk on their cell phones. Maybe someday… Checkout more photos: Looks like this […]
Don’t Miss: I had to get back to school, so I missed this incredible evening. It’s amazing how many folks were touched by the enthusiasm, commitment and vision of these fine fellows..
Claire Obrecht, Education/Collection Development Librarian at the Schaumburg Township District Library writes: Michael: Really enjoyed your latest presentation at STDL – had heard your previous talk there as well. I spoke to you about the experimental station at our Woodfield Post Office. Apparently it is pretty much a big secret – as nothing has yet appeared on the USPS website about it – even though it has been open for about 2 months. Rather strange that they aren’t publicizing it. Here is an article from our local newspaper the Daily Herald. Visit post office of the future in Schaumburg: […]
Brett Bonfield in Library Journal, 10/15/2007 guides readers through a toolkit of software and sites to help control the flow of information into your life: If you’re just going to take one step, I recommend getting to know Firefox. Your browser should be your most used application. Still, the tools and techniques I cite might not be right for everyone. They’re intended mostly to illustrate ways we can save time without sacrificing our security, privacy, or the option to change our minds. They also follow our core principles, are complementary rather than interdependent, and are simple, familiar, and comfortably within […]
From David Isaacson in Library Journal, 11/15/2007: The good news is there is much potential for improvement. Notably, in the more than two decades since Miller’s article was published, libraries have become more attractive places to meet people, both in person and in cyberspace, whether to do research or to interact socially. Unfortunately, the 1984 reference model endures in too many libraries today: librarians passively waiting at a desk for people to approach. We must experiment more with having reference librarians roam among users, actively asking if they can help them. Some libraries already have embraced this strategy with positive […] Great Top Ten List at PC World Canada. Includes mention of closed source technology, DRM and over-promising and under-delivering. Also includes this gem that made me ponder: 8. Fanboys The definition of fanboy (or fangirl) is an individual who harbours a fanatic devotion to something without logical reason. In the case of consumer technology, it can be applied to a situation where a person’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth is attached the success of a particular product or brand. Whatever happened to just buying the best product? Instead, consumer technology buyers are broken into hostile camps: Apple vs. Windows, […] Darien Library’s new logo is written up at a branding blog: When you think of public libraries — that glorious old book smell, the studious people learning something new, the kind of light that is rarely found anywhere else, the challenge of judging books by their spine — their identity is probably the last thing you notice, consider or even care for… you are there for the books and what lies between their pages. And that’s exactly what C&G Partners celebrates in their design of the new identity for the Darien Public Library in the affluent town of Darien, […] Dear Michael: I want to tell you about my new blog. Aside from the standard issues that Librarians face here in Indiana we have a new one that has the potential for disastrous consequences for small public libraries here in Indiana. A large issue, which I feel is being played down by some, is the consolidation of all public libraries in the state. Few Librarians and taxpayers alike feel that this is going to be a beneficial change. Currently there are 238 libraries. The consolidation of public libraries would mean that there are 92. Somehow I got the bright […]
Employee Learning Week 2007 Originally uploaded by Russ and Lori Find out more here: