BATL shirt logo Originally uploaded by jefoto Looks like gaming is getting serious at Traverse Area District Library!
Yearly Archives: 2008
Some say that IM is on the verge of extinction and that forging into such territory for virtual reference so late in the game is a waste of a library’s energy. You can surely count me as one of those who agrees with that statement. I predict, as do many others, that virtual reference needs to fit in users’ pockets – in their cell phone. We need to look at the trends happening now (according to PEW, 2006): -47% can’t live without their cell phones -35% use SMS and 13% would like it added to their features The preceding stats […]
Don’t miss the new virtual tour of the Allen County Public Library. They really show of their lovely spaces with flair and the maps/guides are useful for finding out about library services, community spaces and such necessities as parking.
Jenny Levine and I are joining forces to run a fundraiser for good ole LISHost. Jenny just posted about it at TSL: If you’re a regular online, you probably know or know of Blake Carver. Even if you’ve never met him, you know his work. He’s been running and maintaining the incredible LISNews hub since 1999. This contribution alone is why many of us admire him for his dedication and vision. In 2002, Blake started LISHost, an affordable website hosting service for libraries and libraries. On the very rare occasion the LISHost server goes down, you can tell something’s amiss […]
Maybe most libraries think about it differently, but Darien Library is sending more staff members to Los Angeles for BookExpo America, the majority of whom will be Circulation staff, two of them part-time, than to any other conference this year. It’s a major commitment on our part, but for nearly all our staff, this is the most important event of the year. They love it! Now I wouldn’t expect many east coast libraries to follow suit, but how many libraries out there will be sending part-time OR even full-time Circ staff to BookExpo, and when it comes east next year, […]
Flickr on my AppleTV |Originally uploaded by mstephens7 The AppleTV update dropped today. There’s a lot of new features I’m trying out but I was immediately drawn to the inclusion of Flickr as one of the photo options. I added myself as a contact and suddenly my entire Flickr collection is available. In the photo, you’ll see my recent favorites scrolling by in classic Apple reflection on a slant way. Checkout: Searching for content Search results for Loreena McKennit Previewing a track for purchase. Rent a Movie (with HD option) And look at all the Stevie Nicks! As I finish […]
ASU design library Originally uploaded by JasonUnbound
Dominican GSLS Student Katharine Johnson writes: Last weekend I had the pleasure of joining LISSA (Dominican University’s library student group) for a tour of Loyola University’s new Information Commons located on their Lake Shore Campus. In short, the place is incredible. A bookless extension of their library, whoa! Three floors of computer terminals, many of which are located on long tables to encourage group study and/or spreading out all your books. Tall ceilings, bright work spaces, fully wired, completely green, and a breathtaking frozen-lake view. The first two floors encourage discussion among students, the third floor is considered the quiet […]
A few weeks ago I chatted with a reporter about my ALA TechSource post “An Open Letter to the South Bend Tribune.” Somehow he found it and wanted me to comment on my intent for the post. I confessed I should have taken the post farther and addressed what Alan Gray noted in the TTW comments: economic models for feeds, etc. So the result of that brief conversation with Rick Edmonds is here: Edmonds actually spoke to the editor of the South Bend Tribune: Tim Harmon, managing editor of the South Bend Tribune, told me by phone that he […]
At Darien Library, staff at the front desk have their own blog. This level of openness and transparency does my heart good. When was the last time someone on your front lines got to do a shout out to the staff? Sometimes I lose sight of how wonderful the people I work with are and it takes a patron comment or the observation of an interaction to remind me of that very fact. Last month a patron told Desketeer Alison that they felt we were the ‘Jet Blue of Libraries” for our willingness to go above and beyond.for our […]