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Posts about blogging

I’m all about Presence

Please visit and read Jeff beard’s thoughts about how using blogs can increase someone’s presence and then translate the implications to libraries. Good stuff! Concerning the value of blogs for “guerilla marketing,” Beard states: 1) Search Engines Love Blogs 2) Instant “Expertability” 3) Super Easy Updating 4) RSS News Feeds = Extended Reach = Larger Audience = More Hits 5) Built-in Search and Content Management Features Hmmm.. how easy can it be? So — to the librarians out there that cringe when they remeber their libraries’ out-dated and not up-dated Web site…ponder a blog instead! There are great benefits […]

Karen at the Webcred Conference

Please visit the Free Range Librarian and read Karen’s reports from the Webcred Conference. This little passage just sent me: But Friday and Saturday were also vacation days for me in the truest sense of the word, because at Webcred I went somewhere new and came back changed. Like many travel writers, I was on a quest, but did not quite know what I was looking for. I observed journalists and bloggers in their native habitat; I enjoyed their colorful costumes and quaint manner of speech; I heard both L’eminence grise and fresh-faced upstarts in both communities share their thoughts, […]

Evaluating LIS Weblogs

I updated a handout from last year this morning after chatting with Karen about this important facet of Weblog training. I’ll use it in February for a class I just scheduled at the Purdue library. It’s one thing to say to classes “Look at all the stuff you can get to via RSS!” but we must also remember to give folks tools to choose the LIS weblogs right for them. I incoprated some of the excellent work by Laurel Clyde and updated the banner. Take a look — and use it if you’d like!

Training Your Library Blogging Team

Last Thursday I did two training sessions for the official team of SJCPL Blogging Librarians. It was a 90 minute session. I developed some objectives for the training first: After successfully completing this session, participants will be able to: ? Post SJCPL Weblog entries formatted with bold, italics and inserted hyperlinks. ? Insert special characters as needed with HTML coding. ? Locate and insert images that are ?fair use? compliant for Weblog entries. ? Utilize stylesheet and guidelines to insure consistent posts across system. And then I created a handout to go with it. A general guidelines sheet was developed […]

Blogging for the Profession

Steven writes about librarians who blog oh so nicely: Anonymous blogging intrigues me. I’ve never done it but I read some “front line” blogs every once in awhile and appreciate the candor and honest look at what happens at reference desks all over. And I agree with Mr. Cohen – if you are blogging, let your boss know. My blog is on my yours? I have also mentioned here I turn in conference reports made up ofd all of my blog entries from that event. It’s easy and it keeps me focused on blogging while at the conference. […]